Fan coil unit


Fan coil units (FCU) are a common type of terminal equipment used to condition zones in residential and commercial buildings. The simulated system consists of a vertical four-pipe hydronic FCU controlling the temperature in a single zone. The FCU has a 3-speed fan, a damper for controlling the flow of outdoor air into the system, an air filter, a cooling coil and valve, a heating coil and valve, and various sensors for controlling and monitoring operation. The data set was created using HVACSIM+ developed by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology and comprises a collection of comma separated value (CSV) files. Each CSV file represents either a fault-free case or a faulty case representing a single fault type at a specific severity level. A separate data inventory file documents key information for the data set, including system type and diagram, control sequence, description of data points, and the faulty and fault-free scenarios represented in each CSV file.

Data File Downloads

Inventory of simulated FCU data sets
A .pdf file to document key information necessary to understand the content and scope of each data set
PDF (402 KB)
Simulated FCU data
A .zip file including 49 .csv files containing all the time-series measurements for 17 faults at different severity levels and 1 fault-free case
ZIP (518 MB)
Simulated FCU data sets.ttl
A .ttl file to visualize the data according to Brick schema
All three FCU data set files Download all
ZIP (518 MB)

Data Details

Location: Des Moines, IA
Hvac System: Foil coil unit
Data Generation Method: Simulation using HVACSIM+
Time Scope: 1 year (365 days)
Data Sample Rate: 1 minute
Data Points: 29
Data Size: 3.84 GB
Digital Object Identifier (Doi):

Data Contributor

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

Drexel University