Boiler plant

The simulated boiler plant serves a 12-story building with individual floors having a dedicated AHU serving five zones, and individual zones having a dedicated VAV terminal unit. Each terminal unit has a reheat coil that uses hot water produced by the plant. The plant consists of two parallel boilers and pumps that distribute the hot water to these reheat coils. Sensors and valves are also used to control water flow through the plant. The data set was created using EnergyPlus-Modelica co-simulation and comprises a collection of comma separated value (CSV) files. Each CSV file represents either a fault-free case or a faulty case representing a single fault type at a specific severity level. A separate data inventory file documents key information for the data set, including system type and diagram, control sequence, description of data points, and the faulty and fault-free scenarios represented in each CSV file.
Data File Downloads
Inventory of simulated boiler plant data sets A .pdf file to document key information necessary to understand the content and scope of each data set |
Download PDF (463 KB) |
Simulated boiler plant data A .zip file including 16 .csv files containing all the time-series measurements for 5 faults at different severity levels and 1 fault-free case |
Download ZIP (330 MB) |
Simulated boiler plant data sets.ttl A .ttl file to visualize the data according to Brick schema |
Download TTL ZIP (3 KB) |
All three boiler plant data set files | Download all ZIP (330 MB) |

Data Details
Location: | Chicago, IL |
Hvac System: | Boiler plant |
Data Generation Method: | Simulation using EnergyPlus and Modelica |
Time Scope: | 1 year (365 days) |
Data Sample Rate: | 1 minute |
Data Points: | 22 |
Data Size: | 2.08 GB |
Digital Object Identifier (Doi): | |
Data Contributor
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
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